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Daily maintenance recommendations for thermal laminator

Update:12 Sep 2024

For the daily maintenance of the thermal laminator, the replacement and recording of spare parts management are important links to ensure the stable operation of the equipment, reduce downtime and improve production efficiency.
Identification and evaluation
Fault identification: When the thermal laminator shows signs of performance degradation, abnormal sound, temperature fluctuations, etc. during operation, it should be stopped immediately for inspection to identify possible sources of faults.
Spare parts evaluation: According to the fault phenomenon and the maintenance history of the equipment, evaluate whether spare parts need to be replaced. Sometimes, the fault may be caused by non-spare parts factors, such as electrical failure, improper operation, etc.
Spare parts preparation
Inventory check: Before deciding to replace spare parts, check the spare parts inventory to ensure that the required spare parts are in stock and in good condition.
Purchase and transfer: If the inventory is insufficient, it is necessary to start the procurement process in time or transfer spare parts from other warehouses. Ensure that spare parts can be in place quickly to reduce downtime.
Replacement operation
Shutdown and power off: Before replacing spare parts, it is necessary to ensure that the hot press has been completely shut down and the power supply is cut off to prevent accidental startup and electric shock accidents.
Disassembly and installation: Use special tools and methods to disassemble damaged spare parts and install new spare parts according to the requirements of the equipment maintenance manual or operation guide. Keep the work area clean and orderly to avoid damaging other parts.
Debugging and testing: After replacing the spare parts, perform necessary debugging and testing to ensure that the equipment resumes normal operation. Check the matching of the new spare parts with the equipment, the tightness of the fasteners, and the reliability of the electrical connection.
Replacement record
Basic information: Record the date, time, equipment number, spare part name, specification model and other basic information of the spare parts replacement.
Fault description: Describe the fault phenomenon, cause and treatment measures before replacing the spare parts in detail.
Replacement process: Record the disassembly, installation, debugging and testing process of the spare parts, including the tools, methods used, problems encountered and solutions.